Pure Water – Living Water – for Argentina! Additional Ministry Update April 2019

God has opened the door to provide pure water in the jungle of Salta, Argentina. This place is over 2.5 hours away from where you can get good water. They are currently drinking contaminated water from wells and ponds. We have the opportunity to deliver the solution to this problem with an initial 20 water…

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Goals and Prayer Request for year 2019!!

Let’s go forward by Faith!! Goals for Year 2019: *Bible College – That we would average 40 students in our Bible College. Currently we have 30 students. Also that we can move our men’s dormitory to the former house of Pastor Owens. Fix up the house to house 15 students. To put the men’s dormitory…

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Prayer Request – Vehicle and House Needs!!

Let me share something that is on my mind! You can pray for this. Will not include this in our monthly newsletter! We have a need for a vehicle in our ministry of church planting in Argentina! Our current vehicle is a VW Gol that is a small two door. It’s a 2010 model. It’s…

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