Radio Station Needs – May 2017

Radio Station Betel

San Miguel de Tucuman – Argentina

Pastor Larry Owens and some key men at the Bible College have starting a full pledge radio station in order to preach the Gospel to the entire city of San Miguel de Tucuman.   The city has a population of 800,000 people.    We just purchased a license with all the proper permits to run a radio station for 24 hours a day.   The students and staff at the Bible College will run this.  We were able to purchase some older equipment back in 2008 and was able to get on the air for four years.   We have already located some radio station equipment in Argentina that could be used for this station.   The cost for the equipment will be $16,585 dollars.  We have already built the tower and the radio room at the church.  Our need is to purchase some key new equipment in order to get this going!    We are praying that God will enable us to get this station going.   Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.

Currently our radio station is not on the air.   We have been using some old tube type equipment to send the signal out.   It was costly to maintain and pay for the repairs.   Our radio technician has advised us to purchase new equimpent in Argentina for our radio station.    We have a potential audience of one million in the greater San Miguel de Tucuman city.   Below I have a list in Spanish from my contact in Argentina that did all the research.   Here is the list!

Total cost for the upgraded equipment       $16,585 US

  1. Filter for FM band (details below) $1,400 US
  2. EIA conector $0,246 US
  3. Transmiter, Marca Ditel 550W $8,700 US
  4. 30 meters of Cable Coaxial Andrew ½” $0,240 US
  5. Kit – 4 Dipolos for Antena $0,800 US
  6. 16 chanel audio Mixer Yamaha MG16 $0,830 US
  7. Estimated – Instalation expense $1,000 US
  8. Traveling expense for technician $0,350 US
  9. Postage expense to order equipment $0,350 US
  10. Misc expenses and Inflation          $0,460 US
  11. Air Conditioner window Unit          $0,909 US
  12. Mac Book or Air or Pro – Used or New $1,300 US

                           Total:                        $16,585 US


The rest of this document is in Spanish.  You can look at the pictures!

Presupuesto para FM Tucumán

Filtro Pasa Banda (Para evitar los licuados de frecuencias en el aire)

1- Filtro Pasa Banda para FM, tres secciones

Conector Entrada y Salida: EIA 7/8

Perdida de Insercion< 0,3 dB. P/20KW <1.5 dB.

Perdida de retorno < – 26 dB.

Atenuacion a 2º Armonica > 40 dB.

Frecuencia:      MHz

Potencia admisible 1 KW

Incluye: Embalaje para envio

Marca Consulfem ……………………………………………………………………………………. U$D 1.400

2- Conectores EIA ……………………………………………………………………………………. U$D    246


  1. 2.
  2. Foto ilustrativa Filtro Pasa Banda. (Excelente calidad) 2. Conector EIA (para salida de antena y potencia).


3- Transmisor, Marca Ditel 550W (Muy buen equipo)………………………………………. U$D 8.700

Aclaramos que el precio de este transmisor incluye en Excitador y Procesador de Audio, es todo en uno; a   su vez es un equipo de muy buena calidad y funcionamiento.


Plano Fachada, Frontal y Posterior




4- Cable Coaxial Andrew ½” por metro…………………………………………………………………… U$D 8




5- Sistema de Antena Completo; 4 dipolos Abiertos, con Soporte y Arnes ….…………. U$D 800


(Fotos Ilustración)


6- Consola Mezcladora Yamaha MG16 16 canales………………………………………. U$D 830



Esta consola, como para comenzar es muy buena y ya viene con implementos de última generación en temas de audio.  (Descripción)


  1. Air Conditioning Unit. This is a must to keep the radio room cool in order to protect the equipment. This is the price of a good brand in Argentina – new



  1. Mac Book Pro – Used or new!!